Friday, October 9, 2015

Catching Bigfoot.

           Many people throughout America have only heard of the hearings and seeing's of bigfoot, but no one has really been able to catch him. Some few years ago, a man claimed to have caught and killed an actual Bigfoot. After getting this mysterious creature DNA tested, it was found to be an unidentified creature. This man was even willing to take pictures for the media that he had been surrounded by.


           With that being said, people everywhere are trying to find ways to actually capture a Bigfoot. People who are quite the Bigfoot enthusiasts, are very good at luring in the creature and trying to get thermal imaging shots of them. One way you could is to buy some fresh meat that would be very thick with some fat, and plant it somewhere so that the creature will come towards it. Someone would do that if they just wanted to sneak a few pictures of them. Many people don't actually capture him, but just want to see if they can get some pictures to "show off." Also, if someone were to set out on a adventure through the thick wood after the down pour of rain, they might would be able to find the creatures tracks in the mud. Many people would what they call "cast" this footprint. People would usually find these large prints in place close to rivers or places where you would find berries or smaller creatures the Bigfoot would be after.
          Although there are some people out there who what more than just a picture o a set of footprints. Some want to actually catch this massive creature, which most thought was nearly impossible. Even though it hasn't been done in quite a while, it is NOT impossible. One would have to put a lot of work into achieving this hard task. There are traps that people have built to try and capture this beast. The most recent structure is called the Beast Catcher, and has not yet been very successful. It is made like a log hut with a trap door in the front. Someone would put a very delicious smelling meat in the back of the cabin like structure to catch the nose of a Bigfoot. The hut is surrounded by trees on all sides and looks very interesting to a wondering Sasquatch. As soon as the creature that is larger than small bear enters, the door will slam shut and lock on all four sides. This cabin structure is believed to be very useful because every time they have tested it, it has worked faster and faster each time.
          There are many ways one could capture a Bigfoot. Whether it is my photo, footprint, or real life, it cant definitely be done. It would take a lot of hard work and dedication, and not to mention a lot of your daily time. Bigfoot is real and once these traps and luring's and photos are really taken into consideration, many others will believe in this mysterious creature as well.

(450 words)



  1. Kenzi, I believe if anybody can catch Bigfoot, it's you! I love your passion for Finding Bigfoot!

  2. If I captured Bigfoot . . . It would almost be like capturing a ghost. I would try to talk to it and comfort it . . . ya know? Become BFFF (Big Furry Friends Forever) :D

  3. If you ever catch bigfoot I will probably cry. But your passion for sasquatch is unbelievable.

  4. If Bigfoot is as smart as everything points to it...I don't believe it would be dumb enough to walk into a trap. It would be really exciting and really scary if one was ever caught though. I absolutely love this blog!!

  5. I never believed in bigfoot.. but you've almost convinced me! Great blog!

  6. I think if anyone were to capture bigfoot, you're the one! I love how you are so passionate! Lol
